Friday, November 20, 2009

The Morning Train

Every time he saw her beautiful face, she always looked so sad.
He saw her on his way to work, on the morning train.
She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen with her pale skin, green eyes, and that long, flowing auburn hair.
But he never understood why she was so sad; he didn't see a reason why.
Despite her sadness, he loved seeing her every morning and it always made his train rides that much better.


She felt stuck; she felt bored.
She had lived in this city her entire life.
She never left and it was likely she would never leave.
She didn't care too much for the life she was leading.
Sure she had a steady job and a good income, but there was a lot lacking.
Tragedy seemed to follow her around.
Abusive father and an absent mother didn't make for a fairy tale childhood.
And having every friend she ever made move away, didn't help much either.
She was disappointed in life, in herself.
She just wanted excitement, adventure, to get out of this town.


After six months of seeing her on the train, he decided that today was the day he would make contact.
The train arrived and he stepped on.
There she was, sitting in a powder blue dress reading the newspaper.
God, she's beautiful he thought when he saw her.
The seat next to her was empty and he took this as a sign.
He slowly made his way to the seat next to her, butterflies filling his stomach.
And when he got to her and the empty seat, he sat down.


She sat on the train reading the current events section in the paper.
They were all poorly written articles, but the stories behind them, were all exciting.
Anything was more exciting than her life.
Just as she was thinking about how unexciting her life was, someone sat down next to her.
No one ever sat next to her on the morning train.

She looked at him.
Her heart quickened.
She thought he was amazing, with his olive skin and pale blue eyes.
That's when he turned his head and he caught her eye.
So she did what felt most natural to her,
She smiled.


Oh my gosh, she just smiled at me, he thought.
He couldn't believe she just smiled at him.
He couldn't believe that all of this was happening that this step, this risk was actually working.
And after the rush of his thoughts, he finally remembered to smile back.
He just wanted to say something, but wasn't sure exactly what to say.
He just sat there thinking.
And when he finally figured out what to say, the train stopped.
It was her stop.


The next morning she got on the train hoping that she would see him again.
After she had gotten off the train yesterday, he was all she could think about.
She planned it out today.
She would sit in the same seat on the train, but this time she wouldn't be reading the newspaper.
She wanted to look available for conversation.
She found her seat.
And looked out the window at all that passed.
While, at the same time, clinging to this new feeling,
This hope and excitement.


He stood on the platform.
Waiting for the train and thinking of her.
She made him feel something that he had never felt in his life.
And the fact that he actually made her smile when he had never seen her smile before.
He saw the train coming down the tracks.
His heart picked up speed at the thought of what might happen next.


She saw him get on the train.
She watched him as he made his way towards her.
She smiled as he took the seat next to her.
"Hi," he said, "My name is..."


He was sitting next to her.
She was smiling, he was smiling.
He couldn't believe that he was actually talking to her.
He had told her his name and she had told him hers.
He thought it was a beautiful name.
They sat there talking until her stop came up.
He couldn't help but be happy.


Her stop was coming up, but she didn't want to get off the train.
This was the excitement she wanted.
He was the excitement she wanted.
To her, he was perfect.
So before she got off the train,
She made sure to say, "See you tomorrow."
She hoped that she would.
She knew that she would.


What happened that morning became routine.
They sat together on the morning train
Talking as much as possible before they would have to get off.
Some mornings he would bring coffee for her.
They were simply falling in love,
They couldn't help it.
And they couldn't get enough of their train rides.


It was 10pm on a Friday night.
They boarded the train, hand in hand.
It was the last train of the night,
The last train out of the city.
This was the trian that would take them to the rest of their lives.
The train that granted their every wish.
He finally had her
And she was finally getting out of this town.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Million and One

A million things to do,
Yet if I could, I would drive the miles
In an instant
Just to be by your side.
You are my comfort,
My most fondest memory,
My best friend.
A million things to do,
The drive to you,
Makes a million
And one.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


It’s like running on a treadmill,
Constantly moving, but never really getting anywhere.
Always waiting for them to understand
And they say that they do
But their actions show me that they don’t.
What is it about me
Or is it something about them?
This question lingers
It lingers in my brain
It lingers in my thoughts
In my soul
It lingers there for years
Until I finally figure out that
They will never understand
I will never understand
That is life
Running on a treadmill
Constantly moving
But never really getting anywhere.


If this is the room where the flies come to die, then maybe this is where I will come to die and this broken heart will stop beating…
My life isn’t worth the living. All of my dreams are shattered like broken glass. I don’t know how my heart is still beating. I don’t know how my body is still functioning. I don’t want to forget your face, that freckle, but I can feel it slipping away. I DON’T WANT TO FORGET! I want to die remembering, remembering it all. So this is where the flies come to die, then this is where I’ll die too.
All of my life I knew happiness. And when I met him, he magnified that happiness. We laughed together; we kissed and when we kissed, I could no longer see straight; we hugged; we were pure; we were happy. We were us, plain and simple. Everything was perfect and we planned to spend forever together. We were forever…At least, he was supposed to be my forever.
That was until one day my world came crashing down and there was no longer any happiness and forever was no more. He left me, said his last goodbye. I was no longer what he wanted. He said I was too much to handle. And with that, he was gone…forever.
I no longer knew what to do. I kept watching the phone, waiting for his call that was never going to come. I lost all sense of who I was and what I loved. I could no longer breathe. I lost all awareness for what was around me. My life no longer had meaning. I kept searching. I had to search, though I knew not of what I was searching for. Something was just missing.
One day, I found an old abandoned house. Was this what I had been searching for? I entered the house and explored every room. That’s when I found it. It was dusty and dark, but it was beautiful to me. On every surface, there were dozens of flies, dead flies.
If this is where the flies come to die, then maybe this is where I will come to die and this broken heart will stop beating…
My life isn’t worth the living. All of my dreams are shattered like broken glass. I don’t know how my heart is still beating. I don’t know how my body is still functioning. I don’t want to forget your face, your freckle, but I can feel it slipping away. I DON’T WANT TO FORGET! I want to die remembering, remembering it all. So this is where the flies come to die, then this is where I will die too.
I found the bed in the corner of that dank room, the only surface the flies had yet to claim. I laid down and remembered it all. Your face; our first kiss; your gentle touch; your smile; your freckle; You.
That’s when I drew my last breath.
That’s when my broken heart finally stopped beating.
That’s when you became my forever.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Breaking Through

For my communications class we all had to write a slam poem. After much panic, I finally wrote it and this was the result.

Breaking Through

Forced into silence
You cannot speak
Not even a sound can escape from behind your lips.
Trapped in a world of struggle and oppression
Conform or be punished
It’s not right to be different,
In this place, you cannot be different
In this place, you cannot even talk
In this place, you have to do what they say
In this place, you cannot even think as an individual.
Every day is a struggle in this Utopian, idealistic world
A struggle to fight the oppression
A struggle to be who you want to be
A struggle between the commoner and “the man”
Or, in this case, “the woman”
But despite this struggle, one brave soul broke through the barrier
It was I that broke through.
And the sickening silence was broken with an eruption,
A thunderous voice that boomed through the oppression.
After years of silence,
Years of conforming
An individual emerged.
Erasing the oppression
Erasing the silence
A new age, a new dawn finally broke free
And I could finally be me!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Angelina's Story

This is a fictitious short story that I wrote that I am most proud of. Its called Angelina's Story.

Angelina's Story

Around here I’m no different than the others, but I wish I were.
I’m tired of being the invisible girl that no one sees; I want to be noticed.
No, never mind, I don’t want to be noticed, I need to be noticed.
The world I live in is normal to me, but to you I might as well be living on another planet.
My world is filled with champagne wishes and caviar dreams!
Ha. Yeah, right. I wish it were.
Growing up, I was the smartest girl in class.
I never got in trouble, and when I say never I mean never, not even a stern look or a warning from a teacher or my mom.
I was the perfect little angel.
But as I got older, I was tired of being the invisible, smart girl.
Around that same time, my mom announced to me that she got me an interview at an elite private school where you had to be the best to get in.
I thought things were looking up.
I was accepted to this prestigious school and I was going to be around hundreds of kids who were just like me.
Or so I thought.
My first day there, no one talked to me.
My second day there, no one talked to me.
And on my third day there, no one talked to me.
I thought this school was going to be a new start for me.
I thought I was not going to be invisible anymore.
But nothing about this school was any different from the last.
Well, I guess there was one difference.
Everyone at this school was invisible and smart.
We were all little carbon copies of one another.
I’m no different than the others. We’re no different from each other.
So maybe I don’t live on a whole other planet, but it feels like it.
I’m tired of being invisible, can’t someone just notice me?
I made that wish sitting in one of my super advanced classes, I made a wish,
For someone to finally talk to me.
And it didn’t even have to be the most popular person in school or the friendliest person in the world; it just had to be someone.

Making that wish changed my life.
I walked home that day; I had never walked home before that day.
My house was five miles from the school, but I decided to walk anyways.
On the way, I stopped to rest at some random park.
I sat on a bench and watched the little kids play.
How I longed to be a little kid again; I used to have friends; I wasn’t invisible then.
Then, he sat down next to me.
I had never seen him before, but my god he was beautiful.
He had pale skin and dark brown hair that fell just below his chin.
His eyes were dark, but that didn’t scare me.
I stared at him.
Does he notice me?
He slowly turned his head and looked me straight in the eyes.
Then he looked back at what he was looking at before.
I can’t believe my wish came true!
Someone talked to me.
Maybe I’m not so invisible.
But that wasn’t all.
He turned back to me and half-smiled.
I’ve never seen you around here before.
He wanted to talk more; he was intrigued and so was I.
I wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what.
But it was too late anyway.
When I turned back to him, he was gone.
I was left there sitting on the bench, alone.
My wish came true, but I was left feeling like it wasn’t good enough!
I decided that I should just head home.
I got up and that’s when I noticed that there was a paper where he was sitting.
I picked it up.
Scrawled in sloppy handwriting, was my name.
My name?
I unfolded the paper and read what it said.
You don’t know me, but I am going to change your life.
Meet me at the Wilshire Docks at Midnight.
This is the night that all of your wishes come true.

I still remember it clearly.
The moon was reflected off the midnight waters.
The soft breeze blew my white dress against my knees.
He wasn’t there.
But that is because I showed up five minutes early.
Nervous habit.
I stood by the water’s edge.
The night was beautiful.
I had never seen the night before.
I don’t know the exact moment He got there,
I just know that He was there before I noticed him.
The moment was quiet as he walked towards me
Neither of us said a word.
He was close, almost too close, when he finally spoke.
I didn’t think you would come.
Why not?
They never come. But you aren’t like the others, you’re different.
Is that bad?
He laughed at my question.
No, it’s not bad. It’s good.
I smiled at that.
Looking at him was making me too nervous.
I stared back out at the night.
God it was beautiful.
It was perfect.
My nerves calmed.
I looked back at him.
He never took his eyes off me once.
Slowly, his hand brushed my cheek.
He leaned close.
I felt his other hand move to my back.
I was in his arms.
Still he leaned in closer.
I felt his breath on my neck.
Your life is going to change tonight. You won’t be the same.
I know, you said that in your note.
Are you sure you want that?
Nothing it going to be the same anymore.
I know.
Absolutely nothing will be how it was before tonight.
That’s when he pulled away slightly.
He looked into my eyes.
Then he kissed me.
I’ve been waiting my whole life for change. I’m ready.
Close your eyes.
I closed my eyes.
It felt like I was spinning.
I could feel the moon burning my skin.
We began spinning faster and faster.
Then, he began to slip from my grasp.
I tried to clutch onto him.
But it was no use.
He slipped away.
Nooooo!!!!! Don’t let me go! What about my wishes?!
They all just came true!
His voice was so distant.
I opened my eyes.

They found her on Sunday morning, an hour before she had to go to church. Her mom found her. She was lying on her bed, arms spread wide, with her palms turned up; her white bedspread and white nightgown soaked in her crimson blood.
No one had expected this. She was the perfect girl. She was quiet, she never got into trouble, she was almost classified as a genius, and she was their perfect little angel.
They examined her body. No one could figure out where the blood was coming from. There were no wounds. Everyone thought she died from an internal injury. Heartache, maybe even loneliness is what killed her, they said.
The funeral was on a Wednesday. They laid her to rest in her favorite white Sunday dress. They watched as she was lowered into the ground six feet. When it was over everyone walked away, without looking back, without knowing their mistake. Because lying next to Angelina’s headstone, was a note with her named scribbled in sloppy handwriting. Inside it read like a familiar memory:
You don’t know me, but I am going to change your life.
Meet me at the Wilshire Docks at Midnight.
This is the night that all of your wishes come true.